Saturday, March 16, 2013

New Tau Model Picture leaks!

Here are some leaks that confirm some of the rumors for the new Tau release.  Also, its pretty much confirmed now that Tau are releasing in April.  The ubersuit is real and called the XV104  Riptide Battlesuit comes with 2 drones and is $85.  The two new flyers are a bomber and a fighter:  the Sun Shark Bomber and the Razorshark Fighter in a dual kit with 2 drones for $65.   Also, pathfinders have a new plastic kit that includes 10 Pathfinders and 3 drones for $35.  The Broadside battle suit is a new sculpt/kit as well and comes with 2 drones for $50.  Also, Crisis suits come in a pack of 3 suits with 6 drones for $75.  The suits look like they are the same sculpt as our current suits however, unless there is some subtle difference.

Update!  A picture of the tau battleforce has surfaced.  It includes 3 crisis suits, 3 stealth suits, a piranha and 12 firewarriors (with a bunch of drones too).  The price is $130.
Here are the picts:

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